Barsmith Red Eye Rye & Coffee Whiskey 750ml

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Product Description

Standard Proof Whiskey Co. was born behind the bar in Nashville, TN. Our whiskey infusions began as a well-kept secret created by bartenders to share with friends and frequent bar patrons. Red Eye Rye presents a unique marriage of rye whiskey aged in new American oak with real South American Arabica coffee. Bottled at 80 proof, our quality rye whiskey is carefully infused with 100% Arabica coffee resulting in a natural pairing that offers the tastes of hazelnut and smooth vanilla that can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or blended seamlessly into any whiskey cocktail. From one generation of whiskey lovers to the next, Standard Proof Whiskey Co. delivers a new standard for the future of spirits.

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume40.0%
Country of OriginUnited States


Ships to most states from California. Securely packaged and sealed, we have delivered over 10,000 packages safely to happy customers all around the USA.


It is against the law in the state of California to accept returns on alcohol except for defective or spoiled items. If there is an issue with the order, we will make it right 100% guaranteed.

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