Colonel E.H. Taylor Single Barrel Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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Product photo of Colonel E.H. Taylor Single Barrel Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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Product Description

Colonel Edmund Haynes Taylor, Jr. demanded perfection; his uncompromising standards for the highest quality whiskey are legendary. Accordingly, the barrel selected for this Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey comes from the best location in a warehouse constructed by Taylor. Barrels aging in the heart of these warehouses are routinely evaluated to identify whiskeys with the richest and most complex flavors. These select barrels are allowed to age as long as necessary to reach their peak maturity. Each barrel is then bottled individually, one barrel at a time, for an uncompromised taste. This Single Barrel Bourbon is a tribute to the legendary Colonel E.H. Taylor, Jr.. -- a name synonymous with "Topmost Class" whiskey. Recent Awards 2015 Double Gold Medal - The Fifty Best Bourbon Whiskeys 2015 2014 Silver Outstanding Medal - International Wine & Spirits Competition

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume50.0%
Country of OriginUnited States


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