Mijenta Tequila Reposado 750ml
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Product Description
OUR STORY Our belief is that when the sun secretly meets the moon that is when the most beautiful maguey plants are born. When they grow, the fields blend with the sky and become a mesmerizing gift to human kind. For centuries, the loving hands of skilled ancestral farmers have harvested these precious agaves that become a masterpiece. The centzon totochtin is a folk story that tells the tale of Mayahuel, the goddess of the agave plant and patecatl, the God of Pulque, whose beautiful union produced 400 mischievous rabbits with a taste foor good company, good liquor and a good time. Our tequila, like all good things in life is meant to be shared. Enjoy responsibly with friends, food and music.
Product Specs
Alcohol by Volume | 40.0% |
Country of Origin | Mexico |
UPC | 850015899010 |
Ships to most states from California. Securely packaged and sealed, we have delivered over 10,000 packages safely to happy customers all around the USA.
It is against the law in the state of California to accept returns on alcohol except for defective or spoiled items. If there is an issue with the order, we will make it right 100% guaranteed.