Never Say Die Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 700ml

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Product photo of Never Say Die Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 700ml

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Product Description

Never Say Die is the English take on the American dream, the story of a champion racehorse that won against all odds, changing the course of racing and music history forever. In 1959, a chestnut colt with a white blaze and three white socks was born and nobody thought he'd make it through the night. In a turn of fate, the horse was revivied with a shot of bourbon, and he was named Never Say Die. He became a legend. Like the horse that inspired its creation, our Rye has travelled across the Atlantic to England. Distilled and aged in Kentucky, crossing the Atlantic, further aged in England, all in its original oak barrels. Aged for 5 years in Kentucky, 2 months at sea, & 1 year in England. From the rapid aging of Kentucky to the slow refinement in England, with the ocean's wild influence, this Rye Whiskey embodies the essence of three diverse climates in every sip. Mashbill: 33% Corn, 56% Rye, 11% Malted Barley

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume52.5%
Country of OriginUnited States & England


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