Papa's Pilar 24 Solera Spanish Sherry Casks Solera Dark Rum 750ml

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Product photo of Papa's Pilar 24 Solera Spanish Sherry Casks Solera Dark Rum 750ml

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Product Description

Papa's Pilar Rum was inspired by Ernest Heminway's passion for adventure and a good drink at the end of the day. Crossing the Caribbean in his yacht, the Pilar, Papa's restless spirit and seafaring exploits inspired us to rediscover the finest rums from his favorite ports of call. In true Hemingway spirit, the Hemingway Family donates a portion of their profits from Papa's Pilar Rum to charity. The #24 represents the 24th solera taste profile in our artisanal blend. Sourced From the Dominican Republic, Florida, Venezuela, Panama & Barbados ~ Pot and Column Distilled ~ Solera Blended in Bourbon Barrels, Port Wine Casks & Spanish Sherry Casks.

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume43.0%
Country of OriginUnited States


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