Siete 7 Leguas 'Siete Decadas' Tequila Blanco 700ml

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Product photo of Siete 7 Leguas 'Siete Decadas' Tequila Blanco 700ml

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Product Description

Special Limited Edition 70th Anniversary - Made of Agaves Criollos - Blue agaves (Tequilana Weber) that have been left to grow wild on the hillsides for up to 10 years at the Gonzalez' family estate "Rancho Las Rojes." Due to the harsh conditions of the hillsides, the agave makes a great effort to grow producing a smaller but richer pina. And it is on these same hills where the jimadores of Casa Siete Leguas heroically obtain the fruit that allows us to create this unique tequila to celebrate the first Seventy years of our House. - Special Limited Edition - To celebrate together 70 years of craftsmanship with this commemorative edition of Tequila Siete Leguas, hand-made under the emblematic production process of our house. - Slowly Cooked - in small stone ovens for 3 days - 100% Tahona Crushed - old world stone mill (since 1952 at Casa Siete Leguas) - Naturally Fermented - wild yeasts in open tanks with agave fibers - Double Distilled - in small copper stills with agave fibers

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume42.0%
Country of OriginMexico


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