Oban West Highland Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ml

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Product photo of Oban West Highland Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ml

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Product Description

The distillery is at the heart of Oban -- "Gateway of the Isles." In effect, the town grew up around the distillery, founded by John and Hugh Stevenson in 1794. Oban's attractive West Highland character reflects its location, revealing aspects of both the Highland and the Island styles. Elegant and glowing, it marries the sea air character of the Island malts to the soft, richly fruity style of the Highlands, creating its own rich tasting Wesr Highland malt. The stills here are among the smallest in Scotland. The cramped nature of the site places severe limits on production, which in turn means that demand for Oban's richly appreciated malt is always likely to exceed supply. Few malts were ever made in the Western Highlands and only two now remain. Oban, like its home, remains their capital. Oban is the unforgettable West Highland destination on a journey around Scotland's six malt whisky making regions. Tasting Notes: Palate: Dried fig, spice, and a smoked malt dryness Scent: Fresh oranges, lemons, and pears, with a hint of salt and peat Finish: Long, smooth, and oaky sweet with a grain of salt Body: Full

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume86.0%
Country of OriginScotland


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