Penderyn Madeira Finish Single Malt Welsh Whisky 750ml

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Product photo of Penderyn Madeira Finish Single Malt Welsh Whisky 750ml

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Product Description

PENDERYN is the rural village that hosts our distillery and gives its name to Wales' only SINGLE MALT WHISKY. Like 'Welsh Gold' ('Aur Cymru'), this golden whisky is as rare and precious as the Celtic jewellery worn by the old Welsh Princess and by Royalty. This privately owned distillery in the BRECON BEACONS National Park revives a whisky distilling heritage in Wales that goes back 250 years; indeed early Welsh distillers were the FOUNDING FATHERS of the American Bourbon industry. Our UNIQUE COPPER STILL is charged daily with a specially fermented single variety malted barley wash to produce a limited quantity of pure single malt spirit. This is married with spring water (drawn directly from our own sorce) before being laid down to mature in American oak Bourbon barrels. This whisky is 'finished' in MADEIRA CASKS to impart a generous flavour of subtle complexity. HAND CRAFTED to perfection, the unique distilling process at PENDERYN produces a single malt whisky that is smooth, light in character and softly golden in colour. This fine whisky captures THE TRUE SPIRIT OF WALES. At premium strength (46% vol) PENDERYN has an exceptionally balanced taste with an aroma of cream toffee and fleetingly of fresh new leather. Then, as the initial sensations fade, the finishing notes of tropical fruits, raisins and vanilla emerge strongly and are long lasting. - - - Enwir unig wisgi brag sengl Cymru ar ol pentref bach gwledig PENDERYN sy'n gartref i'n distyllfa. Fel Aur Cymru, mae'r wisgi euraid yma mor brin a gwerthfawr a'r aur ddefnyddiwyd i greu'r gemwaith a wisgwyd gan y Teulu Brenhinol a'n cyndadau Celtaidd. Yn ein Distyllfa breifat ym MANNAU BRYCHEINIOG adfywir treftadaeth ddistyllu wisgi yng Nghymru sydd dros 250 mlwydd oes; yr un dreftadaeth fu'n gyfrifol am sefydlu'r diwydiant 'Bourbon' Americanaidd. Llenwir ein distyllbair gopr unigryw yn ddyddiol a golch arbennig o haidd brag i greu distylliad gyfyngedig o wirod brag sengl. Priodir hwn a dwr pur ein ffynnon artesiadd cyn ei osod i aeddfedu mewn casgenni derw Bourbon Americanaidd. Gorffennir y wisgi mewn CASGENNI MADEIRA a rydd i'r wisgi adflas coeth o gymhlethdod cywrain. Perffeithir y broses ddistyllu unigryw dan ofal personol i grefftio wisgi brag sengl PENDERYN, sy'n euraid ei liw ac ysgafn a llyfn ei gymeraid. YMGORFFORIR GWIR AFIATH CYMRU YNG NGWIROD GAIN PENDERYN. Ar gryfder premium (46%) mae gan 'PENDERYN' flas cytwys a sawr cyflaith bufen ac, am ennyd, o ledr newydd. Ac yna, wrth i'r blaen synhwrau bylu erys ar y dafod adflas cryf o ffrwythau trofannol, resins a fanila.

Product Specs

Alcohol by Volume46.0%
Country of OriginWales


Ships to most states from California. Securely packaged and sealed, we have delivered over 10,000 packages safely to happy customers all around the USA.


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